
Join us for Sunday Worship and Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study

Sunday Worship

9:15 – 10:15am – Bible Fellowships (a Sunday-school hour for children and adults)
10:30am – 12pm – Worship Service
6 – 7pm Evening Worship

Nursery care is provided for the Bible Fellowship hour and the Worship Service.

When we gather for our main worship service on Sundays mornings, our main goal is that God would be pleased with how we present our worship to him in accordance with his Word. This is why we seek to take time at the beginning of the service to quiet our hearts and minds, and see if there would be any sin that we might need to confess to him. We sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, all done as skillfully as we can with the most suitable music to convey the truth we are affirming as we sing. We honor God’s Word by reading it, and then show our dependence upon him and upon his Spirit’s help as we pray corporately as well.

The culmination of our worship time is when we listen to God’s Word preached in an expository manner. We hold that expository preaching is what best accords with Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-5, in which the Apostle commands him to “Preach the Word!” We find Peter and Paul and even Moses exemplifying expository preaching as recorded in the Scriptures, and we want to do all we can to let God’s Word do the work in the lives of its hearers that only it can do.


Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study

7:00pm – Wednesdays

Currently we are studying together through the book of Psalms, taking one for consideration every week. We also sing and have the privilege of praying for the needs of our congregation, our missionaries, our community, our nation, our families and friends.