Easter Sunday Worship Changes

There will be TWO different services of worship on Easter Sunday morning (April 21): 9:00 AM – Remembrance Service with...

Dr. John Davis, guest speaker on March 10, 2019

Dr. John Davis, Th.D., D.D., is president/professor emeritus at Grace College and Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana, where...

Christmas Services

We will be having our regular worship service at 9:30am on Sunday, December 23.  The choir will be providing special...

Christmas Services

We will be having our regular worship service at 9:30am on Sunday, December 24.  The choir will be providing  special...

Celebration Sunday – January 8

  On January 8, we will have a Celebration service.  This will be a time to share how we have...

Christmas service at 10:00am

We are planning a one-hour service for the whole family on Christmas Day starting at 10:00am.  This will be simple...