Treasurer: Ken Falls
We read of financial contributions to the Lord’s work in 2 Corinthians 8-9, where Paul relates the uncoerced generosity of the early Christians. At Christian Fellowship we do not pass an offering plate. Everyone is kept aware of the expenses associated with keeping the building open and the ministries operative. We will, from time to time, let the believers know of special needs to which they may wish to contribute. We rely on the Lord working through the generosity of His people to provide the needed funds to carry out the Lord’s will.
How to Give
Tithes and offerings are placed in the offering box in the lobby. Alternatively, contributions may be mailed to the church to the attention of the treasurer. To direct support to a particular need or missionary, simply make a note on a separate memo and include it with your check, or write your designation on one of the envelopes provided near the offering box.
Tax Reporting
Contributions are acknowledged with an annual receipt which is mailed to the address of record of all donors. Gifts are deemed tax deductible provided no goods or services were provided in exchange for the contribution (other than intangible religious benefit). Donor names and amounts are kept in strict confidence.
Where the Money Goes
Each year in January or February, an Operating Budget is presented for approval at the Annual Congregational Business Meeting. Ministries, such as ministry staff support, missions support, pastoral care, Sunday school, and other programs typically comprise a significant percentage of the budget. Operating expenses like mortgage payments, utilities, and insurance, make up the balance. Income and expense reports are provided to the elders and deacons each month. A copy is posted for anyone interested, and a general statement is inserted in the weekly bulletin each month. We are open to all questions regarding the budget.
The Samaritan Fund
We invite you to designate gifts to the Samaritan Fund. These funds are used to help unemployed people at Christian Fellowship and any believer, approved by the deacons, who has a need for which they don’t have money.