College & Career

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” —1 Timothy 1:5

Mark and Meredith Priestap

We have a growing number of young adults at Christian Fellowship who are growing in their faith. The College & Career ministry exists to help them in their walk with God.

The College & Career ministry is led by Mark & Meredith Priestap. It is held at the Priestap’s home on the 1st Sunday of each month at 6pm. We occasionally combine with the Youth for outings like the Corn Maze in the Fall. Their monthly gathering includes a devotional, fellowship, games, and food.

We love to have fun together, but we emphasize helping our young adults gain a firm foundation for their faith in Christ. We are currently going through a video series The Attributes of God by Pastor Steven Lawson.

Email Mark for more information