CF Kids

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 19:14 ESV

At Christian Fellowship we recognize and accept the responsibility to care for and educate the children God brings to us. We believe that fathers are to be the primary teachers of children, and we want to support them in their efforts to pass on a spiritual heritage. We also recognize that many families do not have a father in this role; Jesus promises to be a father to the fatherless, and we therefore make efforts to assist in filling that role in the lives of our children.

Children’s Church

During the Sunday morning worship service we have special programs for children age 4 all the way up through fifth grade. Our Children’s Church ministry is led by Jamithy Sawade and her team. They are using the Biblical curriculum from Truth78. Parents are given the songs, lessons, and memory verses each month to take home and to work on with their children during the week. This is one of the ways we, as the body of Christ, can encourage and come alongside families in discipling their children and seeing their faith grow as a family!

Sunday School

Following the worship service, we hold Sunday School classes for toddlers through high school. Our dedicated teachers use Bible-based lessons on subjects appropriate to students’ needs. 

Nursery & Toddler Care

Nursery and toddler care is provided during every regular church activity for newborns up through toddlers aged 2½ years old.

Wednesday Night Kid’s Club

On Wednesday nights during the school year, we hold Kid’s Club for children age 4 through 7th grade. These meetings are designed to help children grow in Christ and serve Him in every aspect of their lives. Kid’s Club is led by Rebekah Hoen and her team.

Summer Camp

Also, Summer Christian camp at Camp Barakel in Michigan is certainly a highlight for many of our children from grade 4 through high school. A large number of adults from the congregation also accompany the children to the camp and work during the week.