Lifting Up 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017 is the day Mosaic Ministries is hosting a silent auction and banquet in support of the...
Harvest Potluck-November 12
Jerry Harding, from ANM, will be visiting for our Mission Weekend on November 11-12. He will be sharing in the...
Choir practice begins Nov. 14
It’s only October but it is time to think about joining the Choir to sing for Christmas on Sunday, December...
Coffee and Conversation
Hello Ladies! We are excited about our next Coffee and Conversation being planned for Thursday, November 2 from 6:30pm-8:30pm at...
New Ladies Sunday School Class Begins October 15
We would like to begin an interactive, relationship-building time for older and younger women together, based around Paul's exhortation to...
New Sermon Series
The current sermon series will present the findings of the Prayer and Bible Study Groups associated to the most important...
Open House for the Kains
You are all invited to an Open House for Daniel and Shannon Kain and their family at the home of...
Softball 2017
Enjoy some great pictures of the Christian Fellowship Softball team (and fans). Many thanks to our photographer, Ken Falls.
Coffee and Conversation
Ladies...We will be having another Coffee and Conversation on Tuesday, June 27 starting at 7:00pm. This will be a special...
Photos of Memorial Day Brunch
Enjoy some pictures from the Memorial Day Brunch (Special thanks to our photographer-Kevin Puffer)