Missions Sunday – November 24
Santosh Thomas from Kashmir will be here for our annual Missions Sunday (November 24). Every nation, every tribe, every generation, every...
New in the Library
Two very special books are new in our library: Foundations of Grace and Pillars of Grace both by Steven Lawson....
New in the Library
How well do you really know Our Savior? Is the perception of Jesus you have in your head the true...
What Are They Reading Now?
Each week, we ask someone in our leadership "What Are You Reading Now?" This week, we've asked David and Kelly...
Did Someone Yell…Campfire?
Pioneer Club will have a campfire on Wednesday, October 2 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the side yard...
Coffee and Conversation
Ladies...it's time for Coffee and Conversation again! We will be meeting Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 pm at Panera Bread...
What Are They Reading Now?
Each week, we ask someone in our leadership "What Are You Reading Now?" This week, we've asked Tom and Becky...
Church Picnic Sept 8, 2013
As you can see, we had a beautiful day for our annual Church Picnic! Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and great...
Believer’s Baptism Sept 15
Next Sunday, September 15, will have a Believer’s Baptism in the Sanctuary during the 9:30 am worship service. Water baptism is...
Church Picnic on Sept 8
Don't miss the fun and fellowship at our annual Church Picnic on Sunday, September 8 immediately following the 9:30am worship...