Ladies Sunday School

LADIES... "Do you feel overwhelmed?  Inexperienced?  Intimidated?  Too old?  Too young?  Too invisible?  Too afraid?  If you've ever struggled with...

New Precept Study on the Book of John

Are you looking for an invigorating Bible study for the fall?  Look no further!  The Gospel of John Precept study...

Farewell to Tonya

The ladies of Christian Fellowship enjoyed the return of the chocolate fountain on Thursday, August 1 in honor of Tonya...

What Are They Reading Now

This week, Ken and Jill Kutz tell us what they are reading now!  These books are available on the book table...

Teachers and Teens needed

We are looking for teachers and teen assistants to serve in weekly Pioneer Club meetings this coming school year.  Pioneer...

New Children’s Church program to begin

Children’s Church is gearing up to start a new children’s program beginning September 15!  The new program will involve the children in...

Wheels in Whitehouse

The Senior High Youth will meet next Sunday, August 11 to enjoy “Wheels in Whitehouse” from 6:30-8:30pm at the Kain’s home. ...

Exclaim 2013 Concert

Sunday, July 28, 2013, join the Senior High Youth Group at the *FREE!* Exclaim 2013 concert at the CYO fields on...

Carmen and Dan Hale visit

  Carmen and Dan Hale from Elam Ministries will be joining us at Christian Fellowship on Sunday, July 21 and...

2013 International Bible Quizzing

The 2013 International Bible Quizzing will be held July 23-28 at Summit Grove Camp in New Freedom, PA.  The 6-person...