New Ladies’ Bible Study
”Do you feel overwhelmed? Inexperienced? Intimitated? Too old? Too young? Too invisible? Too afraid? If you’ve ever struggled with insecurity...
Update on Western Avenue Capital Campaign
There are two Sundays left in The Western Avenue Capital Campaign. The total raised so far is $11,320.00. There are a...
Memorial Day Picnic
A Memorial Day Picnic/Brunch is planned for Monday, May 27 at Side Cut Park in Maumee at the Rotary Centennial Pavilion. ...
New in the Library
The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men By Richard Phillips Jerry Bridges on The Masculine Mandate: Richard Phillips “gives us...
Great Lakes Bible Quiz Finals
On May 4th, the Great Lakes District held their final Bible Quiz of the year. This year the young people...
Church Softball Team
Be sure to come and cheer our Christian Fellowship co-ed softball team every Tuesday at 7:10 pm at WPOS on Angola Road...
New in the Library
The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Henry Scougal c1650 “There are some books whose vision is...
New Ladies Sunday School Class
Ladies...we want to invite you all to a new Sunday School class that will be starting on May 19 called, One...
50th Wedding Anniversary
On Saturday evening, May 4, we celebrated the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Terry and Jean Priestap. Many friends and family were...
New in the Library
What is a Healthy Church Member? by Thabiti Anyabwile “In an era when Christians seem confused about what kind of community...