Pioneer Club Campfire

Did Someone Yell…..“CAMPFIRE”?? When:  Wednesday, October 9, 6:00-8:00pm Where:  Side yard of Christian Fellowship Wear:  Long sleeves, long pants, sneakers...

Photos from church picnic

Here are some photos from Ken Falls to enjoy from our Fall church picnic last Sunday, September 8. The weather...

Celebration Service

On September 1, we will have a Celebration Service during our 9:30 worship.  This will be a time to share...

July 2019 Newsletter

Please enjoy the latest copy of our church newsletter.  There are arrows at the bottom to move from page to...

Men’s Competition Night

Be sure to come to the annual Men’s Competition Night on Saturday, June 29 starting at 6:00pm at the Altman’s...

New Ladies’ Sunday School class starts April 28

We will be starting a new Ladies’ Sunday School class on April 28 entitled “Children of the Day" by Beth...

Easter Sunday Worship Changes

There will be TWO different services of worship on Easter Sunday morning (April 21): 9:00 AM – Remembrance Service with...

March 2019 Newsletter

Please enjoy the latest copy of our church newsletter.  There are arrows at the bottom to move from page to...

Dr. John Davis, guest speaker on March 10, 2019

Dr. John Davis, Th.D., D.D., is president/professor emeritus at Grace College and Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana, where...

New Bible Study begins March 11

Beginning Monday, March 11, at 6:30pm, we will be starting a Bible Study by Denise Glenn called Restore My Heart. ...