New in the Library
Thoughts for Young Men by J. C. Ryle In a stunningly relevant book written over 100 years ago, J. C....
Couples Retreat
There will be Couples Retreat at Sauder Heritage Inn Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18. The tickets are $50...
Child Dedication Service
There will be a CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE on Sunday, January 22 during the morning worship hour. We place a very...
Celebration Sunday – January 8
On January 8, we will have a Celebration service. This will be a time to share how we have...
Christmas service at 10:00am
We are planning a one-hour service for the whole family on Christmas Day starting at 10:00am. This will be simple...
Mitten Tree in Fellowship Hall
The Mitten Tree is now in the Fellowship Hall. Pioneer Club is asking for donations of warm weather accessories (gloves,...
Harvest Banquet/Potluck
The mission team is inviting everyone to a Harvest Banquet Potluck on Sunday, November 13 at 12:30pm in the Fellowship...
New in the Library
The Hole in Our Holiness By Kevin DeYoung What does it mean to be holy? Why should we care? And...
Choir practice begins Nov. 8
It’s time to begin Choir practice in order to prepare for the Christmas season. We will begin weekly practice on...