New in the Library

 When Worlds Collide: Where is God When Terror Strikes? By R. C. Sproul Name any catastrophe in history and people...

Ladies Retreat March 27-28

There will be an overnight Ladies Retreat at the church on the weekend of March 27-28.  The  retreat will start...


Culture Shift By Albert Mohler, Jr. Our world is undergoing a major cultural transformation—media, technology, bio-medicine and popular entertainment push...

New Adult Sunday School

A new adult Sunday School class begins on Sunday, March 1.  We will be going through the book Connected: My...

Poverty Summit 2015

Poverty Summit 2015 Mind the Gap Thursday, March 5 8:00 am—5:00 pm Center for Life Revitalization 1501 Monroe Street, Toledo...

Choir for Easter

We have chosen some wonderful choir music to sing on Easter Sunday (April 5).  Please consider joining us this season...

Annual Congregational Meeting

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, February 22 during the Sunday School hour (approx. 11:20 am).  Please plan...

Ladies’ Coffee and Conversation

The next Ladies’ Coffee and Conversation will be on Friday, January 23 from 7:00-10:00 pm at the church.  This will...

Thursday Men’s Bible Study

On January 29, 2015, we will begin a new Thursday Men's Bible Study from 7:00pm to 8:30pm here at the...

Celebration Sunday – January 4

On January 4, 2014 we will have a celebration and remembrance service.  This will be a time to share how we...