New in the Library

“There is nothing quite like the gritty, grace-filled stories of Scripture to awaken our hearts to the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ.” ...

Coffee and Conversation, February 20’s time for Coffee and Conversation again!  We will be meeting Thursday, February 20 at 7:00pm at Panera Bread in Spring Meadows. ...

Senior Citizens Banquet Postponed

The Senior Citizens Banquet planned for Saturday evening, February 1 has been postponed to sometime in March.  Watch the website...

Services Cancelled 1/26/14

We have decided to cancel services Sunday (January 26) based on the current weather and the predictions for the conditions...

Senior Citizen Banquet Planned

The Young Adults of CF are having a Banquet for the Senior Citizens in our congregation called “Love from Above”  based on...

Celebration Sunday moved to Jan 19

Because we cancelled services on January 5 (due to the blizzard we received), it has been decided that Celebration Sunday...

Prayer Meeting and Potluck cancelled

Due to the cold and wind chill, it has been decided that Wednesday evening's Prayer Meeting and Potluck are cancelled tonight...

Child Dedication Service

We are planning a CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE on Sunday, January 19 during the morning worship hour.  We place a very...

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.  This will be...

Celebration Sunday – January 5

On January 5, 2014 we will have a celebration and remembrance service.  This will be a time to share how you...