Men’s Competition Night

On Saturday, May 11th we're meeting at Dick Altman's house for an evening of good food, good conversation and games...

Dr. Ray Pritchard – guest speaker

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Ray Pritchard and his wife Marlene this weekend at Christian Fellowship and Western Avenue...

Men’s Competition Night is back!

It's that time again...time to eat and compete.  Time to talk the talk and walk the walk.  And walk the...

Senior Banquet coming May 5

The High School Senior Banquet is scheduled for  Sunday May 5, 2013 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  It...

New in the library

Leading with Love By Alexander Strauch This book will help you as a leader significantly improve your relational skills, enhance...

Homeplate 2013

Some men from Christian Fellowship will be going to Comerica Park on Saturday, April 27 to hear testimonies from multiple...

Mosaic Service planned

Western Avenue Ministries has scheduled a Mosaic Service for Sunday, April 28 at 5:00 pm.  It is called Mosaic because...

New in the Library

Finally Alive By John Piper The term ‘born again’ is very precious and very crucial in the Bible.  And the...

New Books in the Library

Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance By Albert Mohler We are reminded every day that...

Easter Sunday Services

From Daniel Kain...Once a year, at Easter, we remember the miraculous power of God raising His Son Jesus from the...