Mitten Tree

The Mitten Tree is now in the Fellowship Hall.  Pioneer Club is asking for donations of warm weather accessories (gloves,...

Hal and Beth Hansen visiting

Sunday, December 2, we welcome Hal and Beth Hansen who are serving with New Tribes Mission in Thailand.  They will...

Western Avenue Christmas Caroling

It's time once again for Christmas Caroling with Western Avenue church.  We will be meeting Friday, December 21 from 6:15...

Transport for Christ Christmas Party

Transport for Christ is having their Christmas Party on Saturday, December 8th at 5:00pm at Hospice of Northwest Ohio located...

Christmas Caroling at Elizabeth Scott Rest Home

The Experienced Ones Small Group is planning to go to the Elizabeth Scott Rest Home for Christmas caroling on Saturday,...

New in the Library

The Discipline of Grace: God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges We know we need...

tobyMac and Friends

Senior High Youth...don't miss a chance to attend a tobyMac concert at the Huntington Center on Thursday, December 6 at...

Project Serve

On November 4, the Youth Group spent the afternoon raking leaves and making lovely blankets for the Western Avenue Family...

Baby Shower

We are looking forward to a Baby Shower for Ruth Skiver on Sunday, December 9 at 12:30pm in the Fellowship...

Trunk or Treat

From Jean Priestap---Thanks to everyone who participated in the Trunk or Treat event for Pioneer Club from 5:00-7:00pm on Halloween...