Memorial Day Breakfast Brunch
You are welcome to come to a Memorial Day Breakfast Brunch on Monday, May 29 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. We...
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
A new Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study will be meeting in the basement of the church starting at 7:30am every...
Men’s Competition Night-date changed
The date for the next Men’s Competition Night has been changed to Saturday, May 13 at the Altman’s home. There...
New Sunday School Class
A new Sunday School class will begin at 11:20am on Sunday April 23 in the old library. It is entitled...
Softball practice begins
The Christian Fellowship Softball team is starting practice for the 2017 season on Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30pm. All practices...
Ladies Prayer Group
Ladies you are all invited to join us at Christian Fellowship for a new weekly Ladies Prayer Group beginning Friday,...
New Ladies Sunday School Class
Please join us at 11:20am on Sunday, April 23 for the start of our new study called “Fan the Flame”...
Easter Sunday Worship Changes
There will be TWO different services of worship on Easter Sunday morning, April 16. 9:00 AM – Remembrance Service with...
Coffee and Conversation
LADIES… We hope you can “hop over” to our next Coffee and Conversation on Thursday, April 6 from 6:30pm to...
Easter Choir practice begins
We have chosen some wonderful choir music to sing on Easter Sunday (April 16). Please consider joining us this season...