Ladies Prayer Group
Ladies you are all invited to join us at Christian Fellowship for a new weekly Ladies Prayer Group beginning Friday, April 21st at 10 am. This will be a time to gather together in small groups (4 to 5) and pray for our families, our church, our community, our country, one another and more. We encourage you to come even if praying aloud is something you feel timid about, no one will be forced to pray. We simply believe that there is power in unified prayer and we want this to be a time of submitting our requests before our Holy and Almighty God to watch and see how He will answer. We also believe we are in a time of change at CF where important decisions are being made and wisdom and guidance from God are necessary in order to move forward according to His plan and purpose. Praying together builds unity and strengthens our faith as we see God move. Please join us as we begin this exciting journey together in prayer and watch and see what God will do! Please see Cathy Buckenmeyer, Jill Kutz or Becky Borck with any questions.
Ephesians 6:18
With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints…
Category: events