Thursday Men’s Bible Study
On January 29, 2015, we will begin a new Thursday Men's Bible Study from 7:00pm to 8:30pm here at the...
Celebration Sunday – January 4
On January 4, 2014 we will have a celebration and remembrance service. This will be a time to share how we...
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Wednesday, December 24 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. This will be...
Two Precept Studies to Begin in January
Join us for a Precept Study of PROVERBS! Monday nights January 5th—March 30th (13 weeks) 7-9pm There’s no better way...
Ladies Christmas Tea
Thanks to everyone who helped plan and prepare for the Ladies Christmas Tea on Thursday, December 4. About 100 women...
Angel Tree in Fellowship Hall
The Angel Tree is now in the Fellowship Hall. Pioneer Club is asking for donations of warm weather accessories (gloves, hats, mittens,...
Ladies Christmas Tea
Ladies!...don't miss the Christmas Tea which will be held on Thursday, December 4, 2014 starting at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship...
Child Dedication Service
There will be a CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE on Sunday, November 23 during the morning worship hour. We place a very...
New Sermon Series starting October 26
Our new sermon series on the book of 2 Corinthians will begin this Sunday, October 26. The theme for this book...
Fall Picnic 2014
Here are some highlights from the church picnic on September 27, 2014. As you can see, everyone had a wonderful...