Two Precept Studies to Begin in January


Join us for a Precept Study of PROVERBS!
Monday nights
January 5th—March 30th (13 weeks)

There’s no better way to spend those cold winter mornings than wrapping yourself in God’s Holy Word.  We are  certain that this study of Proverbs will be a blessing to you.  Join us!

Contact Lisa Wenzel by December 29th to sign up.  The cost is $8.00 and you can pay and receive your book on January 5th at the first meeting.




COVENANT is God’s binding  commitment to her who dares to trust Him, that He will fight for her, His love will never change, He will never leave her alone…and so much more!  You are invited to join us on an eleven-week adventure through Scripture, following the trail of covenant to a deeper understanding of God’s heart for you.

Beginning Thursday, Jaunary 29, 2015 and lasting 11 weeks
12:30-2:30pm every Thursday (you can bring your lunch)
Cost:  $25
Contact Shelly Bloom to reserve your spot.
(If you are new to Precept upon Precept, plan on meeting January 22 from 12:00-2:30 pm to learn about the inductive study method)



Category: events