New Ladies Sunday School Class begins
On Sunday, October 19, the Ladies Sunday School class will begin a new video bible study series called Live a...
Ladies One-Day Retreat
We are excited to be hosting Renee Keller, our missionary with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) on Saturday, September 27...
Church Work Day, September 13
Everyone is invited to a Church Work Day on Saturday, September 13. We will be trimming and removing some...
Church Picnic on Sept 7
Don't miss the fun and fellowship at our annual Church Picnic on Sunday, September 7 immediately following the 9:30am worship service...
Pioneer Club Informational Meeting
Pioneer Club is Gearing Up! Adults and teens!! If you are interested in being a part of Pioneer Club for...
An evening with Jason Nightingale
God truly blessed us on Friday night, August 15, 2014. We gathered in the church yard and sang praises to...
CF Softball highlights
From Cory Fritch: The church softball team had a fantastic year! We added lots of new faces to the group...
New in the Library
Everyone’s a Theologian by R.C. Sproul Anytime we think about or study a teaching in scripture, we are engaging in...
Jason Nightingale coming August 15-18
Jason Nightingale will be at Christian Fellowship from August 15-18, 2014! He delivers such passionate, dramatic recitation of Scripture that listeners feel the...
New in the Library
Show Them Jesus—Teaching the Gospel to Kids by Jack Klumpenhower This is a special book for Sunday school teachers and...