Jason Nightingale coming August 15-18


Jason NightingaleJason Nightingale will be at Christian Fellowship from August 15-18, 2014!  He delivers such passionate, dramatic recitation of Scripture that listeners feel the message come alive as if the Apostles John or Paul were sharing it directly.  Jason, with his wife Sharon, formed Wordsower International that has expanded their ministry of the Word into compassionate action of caring for widows and orphans in Africa, India and Haiti.  All events are free. Donations will be received to further their international compassion ministries.


Schedule of Events

Friday, August 15,   7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, “Who is Jesus?” – From the Gospel of John

Sunday Worship Service, August 17,   9:30 am -10:45 am,  “What Has Jesus Done?” – Romans

Adult Sunday School, August 17,  11:15 am – 12:00 noon, presenting the compassion ministries of Wordsower International

Sunday Evening, August 17Western Avenue, 1611 Broadway, 5:30 pm, portions of the Gospel of John

Monday Evening, August 18, at Christian Fellowship,  7:00 pm – 8:30 pm “What Will Jesus Do?” – Book of Revelation

If you wish further information about Jason and his ministry, go to www.wordsower.org.


Category: events