Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. This will be...
Celebration Sunday – January 5
On January 5, 2014 we will have a celebration and remembrance service. This will be a time to share how you...
God at work
Here is a letter we received from Afghanistan with an offering for the church. We are so excited to see...
Christmas Tea and Dessert
Ladies, you are cordially invited to a special time of refreshment at A Christmas Tea and Dessert on Thursday, December...
International Luncheon
Since this Sunday is Missions Sunday, please join us for an International Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall starting at 12:30...
Coffee and Conversation
Here are a few pictures from our latest Coffee and Conversation held at the home of Jennice Moylan on Thursday,...
New in the Library
NEW IN THE LIBRARY Back to the Basics The Creedal Imperative by Carl R. Trueman Why Do...
Coffee and Conversation November 7
LADIES! Don’t miss our next COFFEE AND CONVERSATION this Thursday, November 7 beginning at 7:00pm at the home of Jennice...
Choir practice begins
It’s time to begin Choir practice in order to prepare for the Christmas season. We will begin weekly practice on...
District Quiz Meet November 9
The next quiz meet will be hosted by Christian Fellowship on Saturday, November 9. This quiz meet will cover James...