GriefShare Support Group
There will be a 14-week GriefShare Support Group beginning at the church on Monday, November 1, 2021 from 6:30pm to...
Pictures of Church Picnic 2021
Here is a link to the pictures from our church picnic last Sunday. The weather was perfect and everyone had...
Believer’s Baptism
Next Sunday, October 10, will have a Believer’s Baptism in the Sanctuary following the worship service. Water baptism is an...
Child Dedication Service
There will be a CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE on Sunday, November 7 during the morning worship hour. We place a very...
June 2021 Newsletter
Please enjoy the latest copy of our church newsletter. There are arrows at the bottom to move from page to...
Easter Sunday Worship-April 4
There will be TWO different services of worship on Easter Sunday morning (April 4): 9:00 AM – Remembrance Service with...
GriefShare Support Group
There will be a 14-week GriefShare Support Group beginning at the church on Monday, February 1, 2021 from 6:30pm to...
Annual Congregational Meeting
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, February 28 during the Sunday School hour (approx. 11:20 am.). Please plan...
December 2020 Newsletter
Please enjoy the latest copy of our church newsletter. There are arrows at the bottom to move from page to...