Annual Congregational Meeting
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, February 23 during the Sunday School hour (approx. 11:15 am.). Please plan...

New Year’s Eve Praise and Prayer
On Tuesday, December 31, you are invited to come to a Prayer and Praise Get-Together starting at 7:00pm. Come spend...

Christmas Services
We are having our regular worship service at 9:30am on Sunday, December 22. The choir is providing special music and...

Ladies Holiday Gathering, Dec 5
All ladies are invited to a Holiday Gathering at the home of Carol Altman on Thursday, December 5 from 6:30pm...

Harvest Dinner-November 17
We are planning our annual Harvest Dinner for Sunday, November 17 after Sunday School (12:00noon). It is also Mission Sunday...

Church Picnic on September 29
The Church Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 29 immediately following the worship service outside under the tents. All...

Book Drive in July
In July, we are partnering with Mission Cry to collect Christian books and Bibles for distribution around the world. Please...

Senior Banquet June 2
The Senior Banquet will be held on Sunday, June 2 starting at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be...

Special Guest May 5
Dr. Jerry Bergman (Creationist) will be speaking on Animals as Pets during the Sunday School hour this week (May 5)....

Easter Sunday Worship-March 31
There will be TWO different services of worship on Easter Sunday morning (March 31): 9:00 AM – Remembrance Service with...